Rewards individuals and organizations who have contributed to the celebration of April6, the International Day of Sport for Development and Peace, through a #WhiteCard initiative or an event that raises awareness on the activation of sport as a tool for development and peace.

Fundación Alfredo Harp Helú para el Deporte

6 ‘till the 6th

The Fundación Alfredo Harp Helú para el Deporte led a comprehensive and massive mobilization to celebrate the International Day of Sport for Development and Peace. Over 60 activities and sporting events were organized in urban and rural areas across Mexico, benefiting thousands of girls, boys, adults and disabled people. More than 80 Sports Ambassadors joined the mobilization, raising awareness about April6 and the #WhiteCard symbol. The initiative sparked a discussion in Mexico’ Senate Chamber to improve national public policies regarding health, development and peaceful change through sport.
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Arman and Riaan: #WhiteCard India-Pakistan

Hope for Peace

Arman is an 11 years old boy from Islamabad, Pakistan and Riaan is an 8 years old boy from Kolkata, India. By raising their #WhiteCards, they sparked a message of hope, dialogue and peace through on the occasion of the International Day of Sport for Development and Peace. Through this symbolic gesture, they were not just making a gesture of peace and friendship towards each other, but for their countries, and the world, highlighting how sport can and should unite and foster dialogue. Their joint video on social media got an important media coverage in South Asia.

Estonian Olympic Committee

Üheskoos (Together)

Every year, the Estonian Olympic Committee mobilizes its community to celebrate the International Day of Sport for Development and Peace and dedicates the #WhiteCard symbol to a special topic, to show tolerance, caring, and positive attitude. In 2022, athletes called everyone to support Ukrainian refugees with the message #üheskoos (#together), showing unity against the violence and war, and emphasizing the human rights, tolerance, and solidarity. Ukrainian children were also invited to join local sport clubs, highlighting the role of sport for inclusion.
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